
GII120Semi-finalist - Health Category
3rd Annual Global Information Infrastructure (GII) Awards


medexplorer      MedExplorer Top Rated Site!   Your Health and Medical Information Center


studyweb     StudyWeb Excellence Award! The Learning Portal


healthAtoZ     HealthAtoZ 5-star Rating! The search engine for health and medicine


emedic     "Medical Award for Excellence" in web design!


CleanBillofHealthAward     "Clean Bill of Health Award"  Hardin MD


britannica     Internet Guide Award!


suite101      Recommended Sitein the Best-of-Web Directory



Thanks for your superb lists. I continue to be mightily impressed with the breadth of your resource
lists week after week. Thanks for your consideration and your fine efforts at
At Health. - Alan Bachers, Ph.D.

Congratulations on your nomination to GII.
I feel your efforts need to be recognized and rewarded. Your newsletter is a treasure. I have started printing off a copy so that I would have a print resource of all the web sites, networks, and information points you list on
various diagnostic categories. That is very, very helpful to those of us in practice in the field. I recently had a case where we used your list to go on-line to search for information about her diagnosis. My treatment goal was
that she would feel empowered to know all about her problems and have access to sources that would give her more information as she wanted and needed it. Again, thanks for your work. I look forward each week to your
Ed Hammer, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Texas Tech School of Medicine
Amarillo, TX

Thanks so much for your distribution of such timely articles and sites via the FPN newsletter and
postings. I use them from time to time with my graduate students in social work at Tulane University in New Orleans, but you particularly came to my rescue this weekend. In March I am to teach an advanced practitioner course on the impact of chronic illness or disability on family functioning and on the family Child,
Couples and Family Therapy. In my years as an academician I have found the health piece sorely underrepresented in most curricula, so of course was happy to participate. BUT THEN came the hard part--finding the most pertinent and helpful articles for a diverse group of enrollees. This week's information was a God send!
Thank you, Prof. Jane Parker

I am a practicing Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado for the last fourteen years. I subscribe to your
weekly progress notes and I must commend you as to the quality of your work. Not only do the notes address relevant topic maters, the availability of resources and links sighted are excellent.
Thanks for your time and effort.  - Martin D. Meltzer, MA, LPC

Thought that I would let you know - the At Health FPN is really helpful to me. Being in Saipan where the resources are very limited, it is extremely helpful to be able to look at past lists and have some helpful
information. In the last month, I have forwarded some information to a colleague who had some questions and have now just printed off the list of sites for a client who came in describing a schizophrenia break that her son is having.
Just wanted to let you know about this - and to thank you for the service that you
provide.  - E. Kay Henderson, LPC-P

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate our newsletter. I teach several graduate courses in clinical
psychology, and find these references invaluable!

Thank you for your informative site. I often refer my patients to it as an important resource.

Thanks for all your efforts. The newsletter is consistently of value to me in my practice as a School Psychologist.

I thank you for your gracious generosity with the overwhelming amount of information
that makes work such as mine so much more efficacious and enjoyable.