Childhood Anxiety Whitepaper - Free Download

Research indicates that about 20% of students will experience some sort of mental health problem prior to graduation, and anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent of mental health problems. Therefore, anxiety disorders and problems are relatively common yet still debilitating for many students. I would be so bold as to say that all schools have at least a few students who are impacted by separation anxiety, a specific phobia, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive concerns, post-traumatic stress, selective mutism, panic attacks, or generalized anxiety.
- Dr. Michael Sulkowski

Childhood anxiety is widespread and can have crippling impacts.

Working with Dr. Sulkowski, At Health has developed a white paper, Treating Childhood Anxiety in Schools, with information and resources for mental health professionals, and it is available as a free download to help you better understand and counsel patients about this important topic.

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