Mental Health Ethics CE Courses
If you are searching for legal and ethical guidance for the digital age, register, today, for an interview with Frederic Reamer, PhD. This course is engaging, informative and it helps to meet your CE requirement.
Dr. Reamer's interview, The Challenge and Dilemma of Technology, is our #1 most popular, 1 credit Ethics and Risk Management course. As digital technology becomes increasingly complex, you must manage your online presence, especially when you become involved with social media, like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. It is imperative that you know how to protect patient privacy and confidentiality when emailing and/or texting. In this very popular and contemporary course, Frederic Reamer, PhD addresses some of the legal ramifications of these challenges.
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"The Risk management course pertaining to email use was especially useful." - S. B., PhD, Columbia, MD - March 2015
"Your CE courses are great - simple to use your system, materials are always clear." - C. T., PhD, Albany, CA - April 2015
You will find many practice-related, ethics and risk management courses in our CE Catalog.
NEW Ethics Courses
- Ethics and Countertransference - Learn why countertransference is often at the root of ethical transgressions.
- Ethics and Risk Management: Repercussions of Sexual Misconduct - Study the repercussions of sexual boundary violations and other professional misconduct.
- Ethics and Risk Management: The Challenge and Dilemma of Technology - This course focuses on multiple issues related to clinicians’ use of the internet, email, or texting to provide therapy.
- Ethics and Self-Disclosure: Adapting to New Technologies - Dr. Ofer Zur discusses how to use self-disclosure in a way that increases positive therapeutic outcome and also how to avoid inappropriate self-disclosure that may harm the client.
10 Most Popular Ethics and Risk Management Courses
- Ethics and Risk Management: The Challenge and Dilemma of Technology - This course focuses on multiple issues related to clinicians’ use of the internet, email, or texting to provide therapy.
- Ethics and Risk Management: Social Media and the Internet - Learn about the new technologies with a focus that includes confidentiality, informed consent, self-disclosure, social media policies, documentation, and potential malpractice claims when ethical standards are violated.
- Ethics and Risk Management: Email Communication - Issues for Mental Health Counselors - The course examines ethical codes for the use of technology in the counseling relationship.
- Ethical Considerations in the Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk - The course presents a case vignette to focus ethical approaches to the care of patients at risk for suicide.
- Ethics and Self-Disclosure: Adapting to New Technologies - - Dr. Ofer Zur discusses how to use self-disclosure in a way that increases positive therapeutic outcome and also how to avoid inappropriate self-disclosure that may harm the client.
- Ethics and Risk Management: Sexual Boundary Violations - This program takes an in-depth look at how boundary problems and sexual misconduct situations can develop.
- Ethics and Countertransference - Learn why countertransference is often at the root of ethical transgressions.
- Risk Management for Mental Health Professionals - Bryant Welch, JD, PhD, answers questions about risk management and how practitioners can protect themselves from professional liability exposure, including suicide risk assessment.
- Ethics: Informed Consent, Confidentiality, and Diagnosing - The course focuses on confidentiality and informed consent as related to the use of the DSM to determine a client’s diagnosis.
- Ethics: Spiritual Issues in Clinical Practice - This program is a series of four interviews that focus on how spiritual/religious issues should be addressed in therapy, and potential malpractice claims when ethical standards are violated.
All Ethics Courses
Dual Relationships: Ethical and Clinical Aspects of Dual Relationships in Psychotherapy - The course examines various codes of ethics with regard to dual relationships and instructs clinicians on how to make ethical decisions regarding dual relationships.
Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychotherapy - Four experts discuss ethical and legal issues that frequently confront practitioners. Topics include how to reason out clinical and ethical dilemmas using the principle of the best interest of the client, therapeutic self-disclosure, and ethical and legal repercussions of boundary violations.
Ethical and Legal Issues in Substance Abuse Treatment – Part 1 - This course discusses five principles that form the basis for ethical decision-making in mental health practice and provides a step-by-step model for resolving ethical dilemmas.
Ethical and Legal Issues in Substance Abuse Treatment – Part 2 - This course examines legal issues with ethical implications in two main areas: 1, Access to services and treatment programs for chemically dependent clients and persons living with HIV/AIDS, and 2. Confidentiality and the patient's right to privacy.
Ethical and Legal Issues: Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect - Helene Snyder, JD, discusses the specific legal duties that are imposed on mental health professionals regarding the reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect.
Ethical Boundaries and Custody Evaluations - Brandt Caudill, JD, LMSW, discusses legal/ethical issues for mental health professionals regarding the problem of boundaries in custody evaluations, a major source of ethical complaints.
Ethical Considerations in the Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk - The course presents a case vignette to focus ethical approaches to the care of patients at risk for suicide.
Ethical Issues with Fees, Billing, and Collections - Barton Bernstein, JD, LMSW, author of two books on legal/ethical issues for mental health professionals, dicusses important points about fees, billing, and collections.
Ethics and Countertransference - Learn why countertransference is often at the root of ethical transgressions.
Ethics and Risk Management: Email Communication - Issues for Mental Health Counselors - The course examines ethical codes for the use of technology in the counseling relationship.
Ethics and Risk Management: Licensing Board Adjudications/Sanctions and Gifts from Clients - Ted Remley, JD, PhD, discusses what happens when a therapist gets called before the professional association or licensure board ethics panel. He also deals with the subject of gifts and/or tips.
Ethics and Risk Management: Repercussions of Sexual Misconduct - Study the repercussions of sexual boundary violations and other professional misconduct.
Ethics and Risk Management: Sexual Boundary Violations - This program takes an in-depth look at how boundary problems and sexual misconduct situations can develop.
Ethics and Risk Management: Social Media and the Internet - This course focus includes confidentiality, informed consent, self-disclosure, social media policies, documentation, and potential malpractice claims when ethical standards are violated.
Ethics and Risk Management: The Challenge and Dilemma of Technology - This course focuses on multiple issues related to clinicians’ use of the internet, email, or texting to provide therapy.
Ethics and Self-Disclosure: Adapting to New Technologies - Dr. Ofer Zur discusses how to use self-disclosure in a way that increases positive therapeutic outcome and also how to avoid inappropriate self-disclosure that may harm the client.
Ethics: Confidentiality - Frederic Reamer, PhD, discusses ethical guidelines pertaining to privacy and confidentiality and he recommends specific ways to manage patient confidentially that protect the client and the therapist from a potential licensing board complaint or malpractice lawsuit.
Ethics: Informed Consent, Confidentiality, and Diagnosing - The course focuses on confidentiality and informed consent as related to the use of the DSM to determine a client’s diagnosis.
Ethics: Money and the Therapeutic Relationship - Kathleen Murphy, PhD, presents principles of ethical decision-making in setting fees and billing for psychological services, and Robert Galatzer-Levy, MD, discusses the psychological meaning of money in the therapeutic relationship, including the difficulty that therapists have in talking to patients about money.
Ethics: Nine Ethical Values of Master Therapists - Making the best ethical decisions can be extremely challenging given the multitude of complex ethical situations that arise in practice. This program examines the ethical values that master therapists draw upon in their work.
Ethics: Receiving Gifts from Clients – Ethical and Therapeutic Issues - This course focuses on the extent and nature of client gift-giving in therapy, ethical and therapeutic issues, a plan for categorizing and assessing gift-giving behavior, and general suggestions for handling these incidents.
Ethics: Spiritual Issues in Clinical Practice - - This program is a series of four interviews that focus on how spiritual/religious issues should be addressed in therapy, and potential malpractice claims when ethical standards are violated.
Ethics, Supervision, and Risk Management: Issues in Sexual Boundary Violations - This program discusses issues of ethics, risk management, and supervision of the therapist who has violated sexual boundaries.
Ethics: Termination of Psychotherapy - Denise Davis, PhD, identifies five types of terminations and discusses how clinicians can end therapy responsibly, even when conditions are challenging.
Risk Management Basics: The Application of Law and Ethics to Risk Management - This course provides practitioners with essential information on how to reduce the potential for becoming the subject of a malpractice lawsuit or licensing board complaint.
Risk Management for Mental Health Professionals - Bryant Welch, JD, PhD, answers questions about risk management and how practitioners can protect themselves from professional liability exposure, including suicide risk assessment.
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