Attachment in children is an emotional bond between the child and important caregiver(s). Parents facilitate attachment with their baby with actions like touching, cuddling, eye contact, and facial expressions. Childhood attachment helps to shape the child’s sense of self and it lays the foundation for ways the child to relate to others.
Attachment: A New Way of Understanding the Problems of Parents and Kids
Attachment is the emotional connection between any two people. However, life's first attachments are by far the most important, as they set a template for all later relationships. Learn more ...
Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents
The term complex trauma describes the dual problem of children's exposure to multiple traumatic events and the impact of this exposure on immediate and long-term outcomes. Typically, complex trauma exposure results when a child is abused or neglected, but it can also be caused by other kinds of events such as witnessing domestic violence, ethnic cleansing, or war. Learn more ...