Marriage and family therapists in Illinois are required to earn 30 hours of continuing education every 2 years.
A maximum of 15 hours can be completed online. courses are not currently available to LMFTs in Illinois.
Effective January 1, 2020, a new law took effect that requires all Illinois licensed professionals who need continuing education to renew their licenses to complete 1 hour of education related to sexual harassment prevention. Licensees can take this CE course from any CE provider or sponsor that is authorized to provide CE for any profession regulated by IDFPR. This includes businesses or entities that have active CE sponsor licenses for any profession, or that are listed as a ‘pre-approved’ sponsor for any profession. For more information on the changes please click here.
State laws can change. Practitioners are responsible for determining their state’s licensure requirements. To view the Illinois continuing education regulations, click the button below.
Illinois Continuing Education Regulations
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