58 Essential Clinical Office Forms


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Join Thousands of Therapists Who Use These Office Forms.

The forms are updated for DSM-5 & ICD-10 and will SAVE valuable time and IMPROVE record keeping.

Psychotherapists from all disciplines use these forms with their clients. Each document is very simple to add to your office routine.

You can begin saving time by downloading these important forms, today:

  • Download the forms
  • Insert your name
  • Add your letterhead
  • Edit to fit your practice
  • They are ready to use

IMPORTANT: This product is a digital product. You receive all of the forms in Microsoft Word format. To order choose the option for the number of clinicians in your practice that will use the forms.

These forms save time and makes it easy for you to maintain accurate, up-to-date client files. Thousands of experienced mental health clinicians use these forms for:

  • Office Policies
  • Biographical Questionnaires
  • Treatment Plans
  • Consents
  • Releases
  • Sample Bills
  • Reports
  • Letters
  • Marketing Plan
  • Many others…

Every clinician’s practice needs these forms. The Zur Institute did the work for you! The package includes the following necessary, practice documents:

  • #1: Office Policies & Informed Consent: This form is read and signed before beginning the first session.
  • #2: Biographical Questionnaire: Three-page intake questionnaire, which includes important information for the clinical file, is completed before the first session.
  • #5: Initial Assessment: This simple two-page form includes a mental status exam, diagnosis or focus of treatment, and basic treatment plan.
  • #17: Authorization to Release Information: Never release information without this signed form (Unless release is required by law).
  • #23: Termination Summary: This form is filled out and placed in the clinical file at termination of treatment.
  • #43 and 44: Treatment Plan - Initial: A simple, two-page form, with diagnostic impressions or focus of treatment, identifying short and long term goals, and outlining the type of intervention to be used.
  • #45: Treatment Plan - Update: A one-page form stating achieved goals, updated goals, any diagnostic changes and added interventions.
  • #50: Professional Will: A unique document for your estate. In the event of your death, this short document provides important information about the location(s) of client files, access information, e.g. username and password, to digital files, including personal computer, network and/or backup files.