All About Processing Speed

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MP3 Audio + Transcript
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Dr. Ellen Braaten literally wrote the book on processing speed. Her latest book, Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up, talks all about processing speed – what it is, how it manifests in real life, and what to do to help kids with it. In this interview with Dr. Jeremy Sharp, topics covered include:

  • What exactly is processing speed?
  • What is the relationship between processing speed, executive functioning, and working memory?
  • How do you “fix” low processing speed?
  • What is the best way to measure processing speed in neuropsych testing?

Target audience:  Psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, nurses.

This CE program is designated as intermediate.

Potential Conflict of Interest: Dr. Braaten is the author of the book, Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up.

Content Category: Testing/Assessment; Clinical

Format: Asynchronous, distance learning. Non-interactive. Recorded audio with transcript.

This interview was published in April of 2018.