Assessing and Treating Sexual Problems in Psychotherapy

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$75.00 for 5 credits

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Sexual problems in relationships are common. At one time or another all mental health professionals will work with clients who are struggling with sexual issues. Although therapists may not specialize in sex therapy, they need to develop a degree of proficiency in treating sexual issues so that they can meet the needs of clients. This course provides therapists with interventions that they can use to help individuals and couples overcome sexual problems. The content of this continuing education program is adapted from What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know About Sex. Used by permission of Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Target audience: Psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, nurses.

Format: Asynchronous, reading-based distance learning. Non-interactive.

Content Category: Clinical

This CE course is designated as intermediate.

There are no known conflicts of interest or commercial support to disclose.