Assessment with Gifted and Twice Exceptional Individuals

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$25.00 for 1.5 credits

MP3 Audio + Transcript
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As a grown up gifted kid herself, Dr. Aimee Yermish definitely “gets it.” She coupled her lifetime of personal experience with a doctorate in psychology to build a highly successful practice working primarily with gifted and twice exceptional individuals. Topics covered in this interview include:

  • Giftedness can be viewed as a cultural experience, and it is important for practitioners to be culturally competent with this population
  • Gifted kids often have gifted parents who really appreciate longer feedback sessions and detailed reports so that they can understand your thinking
  • Smart psychologists have to do their own work around being smart, or it may manifest as counter-transference

Target audience:  Psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists,  addiction counselors, nurses.

This course does not offer ASWB ACE CE credit to social workers.

This CE program is designated as intermediate.

This interview was published in May of 2017.

Potential Conflict of Interest: Dr. Yermish is the author of the book If You're So Smart

Format: Asynchronous, distance learning. Non-interactive. Recorded audio with transcript.

Content Category: Clinical; Testing/Assessment