Recreating Partnership: A Solution-Oriented Collaborative Approach to Couples Therapy

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$15.00 for 1 credit

MP3 Audio + Transcript
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Recreating partnership couples therapy is based on the assumption that couples, no matter how chronic or long-standing their problems, also have strengths and resources and a capacity for working together, which are often unrecognized. Veteran therapists Phillip Ziegler and Tobey Hiller provide a pragmatic approach to couples therapy that is solution-oriented, collaborative, and strength-based with the couple at the center of the process.

Target audience: Psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, nurses.

Format: Asynchronous, distance learning. Non-interactive. Recorded audio with transcript.

Content Category: Clinical

There are no known conflicts of interest or commercial support to disclose.

This CE course is designated as intermediate.