Couples Therapy and Self Psychology

(89 customer reviews)

$15.00 for 1 credit

MP3 Audio + Transcript
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Treatment of couples basically falls into three categories:  systemic; psychodynamic; and behavioral/educational.  Novice and experienced therapists alike struggle with the many challenges of couple psychotherapy.  Teaching communication skills and pointing out behavior patterns can be helpful for many couples.  But when feelings of rage or hopelessness prevail, or narcissistic vulnerabilities are present, the deeper roots of such difficulties need to be addressed and focused on.

Psychoanalytic theory, especially self-psychology is highly suited to understanding couples’ dynamics.   Having an in-depth point of view and recognizing the influence of unconscious processes on these relationships can help therapists treat these couples and manage their own reactions to the couples as well.

Interview Date: 5/2020

This CE program is designated as intermediate.

Format: Asynchronous, distance learning. Non-interactive. Recorded audio with transcript.

CE Content Category: Clinical

Target audience: Psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, nurses.

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