Reading and Executive Functioning Case Studies

(18 customer reviews)

$25.00 for 1.25 credits

MP3 Audio + Transcript
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For this course, Dr. Jeremy Sharp sits down with Dr. Steve Feifer, developer of the Feifer family of academic measures, to talk about reading disorders and executive functioning. To make the information relatable and engaging, Dr. Feifer provides “live consultation” on two of  Dr. Sharp's cases (Note: any identifying information was removed from the data, and demographic information was changed appropriately). You can find the case data discussed as a download in the References and Citations section of the course syllabus.

Target audience:  Psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, addiction counselors, nurses.

This CE program is designated as intermediate.

Content Category: Testing/Assessment/Clinical

Format: Asynchronous, distance learning. Non-interactive. Recorded audio with transcript.

Conflict of interest or commercial support disclaimer: Dr. Feifer has authored three tests on diagnosing learning disabilities in children, all of which are published by PAR.  

This interview was published in April of 2021.